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Galactic Guidance

Entering into the space of process to release, shift or transform a stuck energy, ancestral pattern, or frequency is deeply powerful requiring surrender to the unfolding. We specialize in guiding this process by consultations followed by research and practiconer recommendations tailored to an individual's frequency. 


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HEART PRESENCING is a process by which we witness people through loving presencing generated by our heart frequency. Listening beyond the words, looking beyond the physical form, sensing beyond the veil.


Have you ever had someone look in your eyes deeply and fully that you feel that you have been witnessed with unconditional love?  


If yes, then you have a direct understanding of how heart presencing works. 


If no, as you read these words you are being seen, you are being loved and we invite you to take a deep breath in and receive the heart beam frequency that has been imbued here. 


Heart presencing is at the core of our Galactic Guidance work. 

Galactic Guidance 

We offer soul presencing, heart presencing,  interdimensional intuitive guidance and referrals. 
Galactic Guidance Drop Ins


Galactic Guidance Transmutation Research & Recommendations

  • In this three session offering, we have a series of three meetings: 

    • Session I : Introduction, learning or tuning in to what is being needed to transmute and transform

    • Session II : Research & Recommendations 

      • Through my own path, I’ve become blessed to have connections with some incredible healers and energy workers. One of the most challenging parts of the process can be having discernment to know who is trusted and works with humble integrity. 

      • In addition, my level of rapid research and intuitive reading of energies - I can perform research and provide recommendations

    • Session III : Follow Up

      • The length of time for this follow up is determined according to the recommendations provided. 

      • These sessions can be audio or video.


Soul Presencing​

  • While heart presencing is the basis of our guidance session, we can also connect at a deeper level by opening energetic portals through breathwork. 

  • When opening our galactic channel we connect deeply and presence another being from our soul. 

  • Due to the energetic output required, these sessions are by special request and mutual agreement

  • in person or via online video

  • Often combined with a Magic Spray divination 



Ongoing Guidance, Personal Retreats & Healing Teams
  • While our work is focused on presencing people on their path and connecting them to practitioners and practices where they can be held in deeper energy fields, there may be beings who are suited to and matched for longer term work with us in which case we are open to developing a series of sessions tailored to work on a specific aspect. We specialize in self love, forgiveness. In the container of this work we can also support you to plan personal retreats. 

  • We can also look at pulling together a team. Typically in acute cases these teams require investment.  

Energy Exchange Philosophy

We are holding the prayer that as we evolve our Galactic Guidance offerings in the world be entirely gift based. In service of this cultivating and grounding this prayer, our Galactic Guidance Drop Ins are entirely 100% gift based. This means that these offerings are offered freely as a gift. While we are open to accepting gifts and honors for our frequency tending at any point, this is not connected to the drop ins. 


For our other offerings, we work with a suggested donation model that is customized. When we receive a request, we intuit and use a pendulum for further refinement a suggested donation for the offering.  This can take more time yet it is important for us to make sure that anyone who is truly meant to be served by our frequency can be served and at the same time balancing that we are resourced and not depleted. 


We are also open to sustaining gifts of patronage and support of our interdimensional offerings beyond individual sessions. This allows us to open up more time for gift based offerings. Being resourced at this level, allows us offer pre-paid sessions with some respected practioners that we refer people to, for those not be able to afford the session rates of the amazing energy stewards we trust and refer people to regardless of financial need. Please reach out if you are interested to be of service to this frequency in this way. 


Pendulum Divined Energy Exchange

How did you come to this path?


It took a bird landing on my head and knocking me on the back of my skull to truly awaken to the divine synchronicity and greater purpose of my life. In 2012 after being on my own path of awakening and self improvement, I had a profound spiritual awakening where I began to have lived empirical experiences of inter dimensional awareness, astral travel, higher consciousness. In visionary work and meditations and dreams I began to have visions and connections to other galactic realms and deeply connected to the starseed frequency. 


Pendulum work and flower essences were my first focus along with connection to the frequency of plants through essential oils. This has deepened into an ancestral intuitive process. 


During this time I started to remember aspects of my childhood where my perception has always been a powerful tool. For many reasons including childhood traumas, our crown and upper energy fields were highly developed resulting in a depth of claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairsentience. The many years has been expanding the embodiment of these frequencies. 


With a photographic memory and a life long history of intense dreamwork, diet and practices to clear the third eye my channel and cosmic sight began to develop more acutely. 


Over the last ten years, I have also found some amazing teachers, elders, and practices along the way to which I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to be in service and devotion to those who honor the earth in a good way. 


What makes you qualified to guide others?


We strongly believe that each individual has responsibility, sovereignty and intuition to be their own cosmic guide yet sometimes we need a little cosmic mirroring to support this process. Our own experiences of being in deep process, across many dimensions, and delving deeply into the path of love and compassion, means that we have some experience in these realms. 


If we were about personal stories, we would talk about how we’ve been through years of major depression, sexual assault, cleared buckets full of ancestral trauma from our field, let go of relationships that were not serving out greatest good, broke free of conditioning. Yet, we are not choosing to focus on that here as many times stories can hold us in a certain frequency, one of victim, one defined by the past.


We honor the power in authenticity and vulnerability as profound methods of sharing our stories to create trust and connection with others who may benefit. We may decide to do this on an individual basis as we are called or guided by the frequency.


We more deeply honor the intuitive gifts that each person holds to determine if a path is right for you. 


If cosmic guidance from this frequency is for you, you will feel it, know it and reading stories of past traumas that we have worked though might help you feel aligned, yet that is not the alignment that will serve the greatest unfolding.  


In our experience, the most profound gift we have been given and in turn have learned to gift others is the gift of heart presencing, deep listening and interdimensional awareness and attunement. 


Do you have any credentials, coaching certifications, licenses?


Only those we got from the 10th dimension and those are not widely acknowledged on the earth plane. In all seriousness, we do not have any formal credentials or certifications. We had the opportunity to study and sit with some very amazing teachers and elders.  We practice our cosmic frequency work out of a cosmic oasis in the state of New Mexico where the state law has provisions for unlicensed energy workers. 

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